Recruitment and Resume Resources Blog

  • Resume writing is a skill.

    Resume writing is a skill.

    Posted July 4th, 2024

    Writing a winning resume is a skill, and an art. Producing a winning resume that stands-out is a specialised skill,…

  • Resume writing Services to attract the bees.

    Resume writing Services to attract the bees.

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Port Macquarie is a wonderful coastal town with a great many assets. It offers a relaxed lifestyle along with picturesque beaches and country access. It’s almost right in the middle of Sydney and Brisbane and has a growing population. The future is bright with a new developments and the commencement of a new University, Charles Sturt in 2016.

  • Want a great job? Look for great employers

    Want a great job? Look for great employers

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Resumes and job applications are only one aspect to finding the best work! Make sure you also research your potential employers!

  • Employment Agency Vs Recruitment Agency.. what is the difference?

    Employment Agency Vs Recruitment Agency.. what is the difference?

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    We often field requests from job seekers who have very high expectations of what a recruitment agency can deliver for them. There is a distinct difference between an Employment Agency and a Recruitment Agency.

  • How to write a winning resume, from someone who knows!

    How to write a winning resume, from someone who knows!

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    It’s the ONE thing that will either get you to an interview or stop you from acquiring a great job… so why don’t we pay it more attention? Here are some steps to ensuring your resume actually works!

  • RESUMES are underrated – start rating it!

    RESUMES are underrated – start rating it!

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Every day we receive job applications that include an attached resume. Most of the time the resume as presented, does not reflect the advertised position. In fact, we often comment that we have no idea why the applicant is interested in the position as they don’t appear to have any work experiences, skills or abilities that match the job. The resume MUST help the reader and potential employer understand why you would be the best person for this job. How do you do this? Here are some major tips!

  • Random resumes without a cause

    Random resumes without a cause

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Are you sending out random resumes to any advertised jobs, ones  that you think you could perform? Are you on the “auto” applications list with a number of job sites? Do you send the same resume to a variety of job advertisements? STOP IT! It’s doing you more harm than good!  Here’s  four main reasons why:-

  • Resumes written for reading, not rejection.

    Resumes written for reading, not rejection.

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Many of us need help to write about ourselves! For most of us It’s a challenge to “blow own trumpet”! so here is one way your resume will stand out and be noticed… it’s that “about me” statement that can make or break the reader’s attention… need help? call us now 0265838222

  • 2023 is a great time to review your job and career choices

    2023 is a great time to review your job and career choices

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    As the sun rises for 2017, we can all reflect on the year past and the years to looking forward.

  • Looking for work in all the right places

    Looking for work in all the right places

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

      Looking for work? Loads of others are also on the search. Make sure you stand out, but also make sure…

  • The Resume is your passport to a brighter future

    The Resume is your passport to a brighter future

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Your resume is your passport to a new job. It’s as important as the rising of the sun. Don’t underestimate its value and DON’T take it for granted. Each time you apply for a role, your resume MUST be suitable and relevant for that position. Your skills, knowledge and experience need to marry with the job advertised or it’s a wasted effort.Our resume writing and career counselling services are superior because our clients get results! We live, work within recruitment and KNOW what employers are looking for when they read a resume or a job application – call us for a quote that will help you gain that promotion or that sought- after job!

  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, why you can’t ignore them!

    Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, why you can’t ignore them!

    Posted July 3rd, 2024

    Knowledge, Skills and Ability can be also disguised under Key Selection Criteria (KSC), each have distinct differences between them.

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