Job Discrimination or just the way it is??

Posted December 4th, 2023

Eather Recruitment and Labour Hire - be available 2

Job Interview the 4 areas that Employers look for in a new recruit

Employers traditionally recruit with the following  4 things in mind…

  1. Personality: Would this person fit in with the business culture and get along with all stakeholders?
  2. Aptitude: Would this person be able to perform the role and do tasks with competence and the right attitude?
  3. Experience: Does this person have the skills and knowledge to be able to hit the ground running, or at least get up to speed quickly?
  4. Affordability: Will this person be happy with our pay and benefits? Can we afford to place them?

In summary, Can they do the job? Will they do the job and ,,Will they “fit in”