Work that resume to get “that” job interview! Resumes Port Macquarie

So, you have what you think is “a cracker” of a resume and you’re sending this resume out to a variety of jobs and …. nothing… …no interview requests, and if you are lucky, you get a “sorry, you have been unsuccessful” reply… There is a strong message and lesson here… your resume is not working for you!

Feeling Trapped in your current job?

Feeling trapped in the job you have? looking for another job? Here are a few tips before you launch into resignation or even worse, lose your cool and walk out! Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a job that is not working out. There may be a number of diverse factors for this…

Does your JOB equal your passion?

Job = passion? Are you capable of blending both? Here are some inspirational quotes to help. Which one resonates the most to you?

What potential employers don’t want to hear at the job interview

Questions can be TRAPS meant to catch you off guard and others are just ordinary questions that appear to be inane… innocent even, ones that can lead you down the wrong path. Don’t get caught in the negative trap. Compose your responses in a positive and flattering light!

Looking for work? are you searching for jobs in all the right places?

Did your resume “bait” the reader enough to invite you to an interview? If not, change your bait! Each time you fish for work, make sure your bait is adapted to the role  or the “catch”. Sending the same resume out for various jobs, is NOT helping you bait the right catch!

Soft skills – its a hard-core necessity

You may have the qualifications and even the experience needed to perform the work, however if you don’t possess the hard core “soft skills” , your success in any role could be greatly diminished.

Traditional jobs a thing of the past?

Traditional style jobs are becoming almost redundant, yet, still many people seek the same type of jobs, search for the same types of vacancies and have great expectations of permanency, a job for life.

The Hidden Job Market

Are you in the job market? Have you noticed just how only a few jobs are advertised in the Print media? Have you also asked yourself why? one of the main reasons for the scarcity is that on-line & the hidden job market has taken over!

Do the job you love! Love the job you do!

Ask yourself: If you could do anything for 8 or 9 hours a day for the rest of your life, and money was no object, what would you really do?

Job to fit the person? or person to fit the job?

A subjective list of skills and experiences is neither objective nor predictive of performance. Instead, why not start off by finding stronger people and modify the job to meet their needs?

5 Tips for hiring great staff!

Looking for the best employees for your business? here are 5 quick tips on how you can attract and keep them!

Presentation for THE job

Within the first few seconds of meeting you, people form opinions & judgments based on your appearance and behaviour.

Your authenticity matters! Are you portraying the right image? Is in congruent with the rest of your appearance? What judgement may be made that are sending the wrong signals about you?