Looking for a job in Hospitality, Tourism or Retail?

Posted August 4th, 2023


It’s like RSVP for recruitment! Register and wait….very soon employers from these sectors can access your resume and PRESTO! a match….

So if you are looking for a job in these sectors – Jump on line now and register – it’s real fast and real easy…have your electronic resume and a photo ready to upload!

Traditionally, recuitment services have delivered a very standard model. We know that industries such as tourism, hospitality and retail  have low profit margins are seeking an economical, fast and easy alternative ….to finding staff….Enter……www.quickstaff.com.au … This site allows 100% control to employers and will provide efficient, immediate on-line job matching services, linking job seekers and businesses within the biggest employment sector both in Australia and around the world – Tourism, Hospitality and Retail.