The new reality

Posted August 2nd, 2023

The New Reality, resilience is the key

The new reality is unpredictable.

These are tough times and each of us will react differently.

Individually, we have our own ‘stuff’ to sort out and every person/family’s situation is varied.  Generations from now will look at how we behaved during this crisis,  and we all need to carefully assess our choices, make sound decisions, but most of all be RESILIENT.

Resilience doesn’t just mean “being tough” it means  looking after our physical, mental, social states. (Maintain good nutrition; exercise and be a kinder more generous person). It’s easy to feel that things are out of control and unpredictable, so it’s important to focus on what is in your control. The choices you make now  are critical.
I’ve been thinking of how I could help you during this time. Maybe one or some of the following may help
1) contact/ connect with me (or others) talk about how you’re going/coping
2) read, research, explore and study (great time to go on-line as some training companies are offering loads of free classes!)
3) get into that hobby or a passion you have been saving for retirement
4) update your resume, to include any new courses/ jobs etc
5) adapt adapt adapt
6) Get ready for the employment doors to open as there may be NEW businesses and NEW employment opportunities
but my best advice is “BEND, don’t break!” adapt to the situation as best you can, find creative ways to problem solve and remain optimistic… we can come out of this better and even more resilient.
wishing you and your families/friends the best outcomes.. hang in..and hang on!
Kind regards
Ivana Agapiou, 
Resume Writing and Outplacement Services
0404 056 278