How is Australia performing in the job market? What is the current ABS data?
“Perform Zone” monitored the number of advertisements placed on Seek, Mycareer and CareerOne for 2014/15.
- The number of advertised jobs gently increased since the start of the year.
- In May Australia averaged 53,000 job adverts a week.
- The Northern Territory saw the largest % gain in job adverts over the past 4 weeks
- Most jobs being in IT, Trades and Admin.
- NSW was a close 2nd
- South Australia was the slowest gainer.
- All States increased their job adverts
The latest Australian job market review has just been released:
The Australian Bureau of statistics reported for April;
- 6.2% of Australians are unemployed.
- 64.8% of Australians are either employed or looking for work.
- Full-time employment decreased by 0.27%.
- Part-time employment increased by 0.53%
- Last month Australians worked 1,651.9 million hours, up by 1.1% compared to the previous month.
Thanks for this data “Perform Zone”!