What are the latest Australian Employment statistics?

Posted September 2nd, 2024

Cashier in baker's shop posing with cash register

How is Australia performing in the job market?  What is the current ABS data?

“Perform Zone” monitored the number of advertisements placed on Seek, Mycareer and CareerOne for 2014/15.

  • The number of advertised jobs gently increased since the start of the year.
  • In May Australia averaged 53,000 job adverts a week.
  • The Northern Territory saw the largest % gain in job adverts over the past 4 weeks
  • Most jobs being in IT, Trades and Admin.
  • NSW was a close 2nd
  • South Australia was the slowest gainer.
  • All States increased their job adverts

The latest Australian job market review has just been released:

The Australian Bureau of statistics reported for April;

  • 6.2% of Australians are unemployed.
  • 64.8% of Australians are either employed or looking for work.
  • Full-time employment decreased by 0.27%.
  • Part-time employment increased by 0.53%
  • Last month Australians worked 1,651.9 million hours, up by 1.1% compared to the previous month.


Thanks for this data “Perform Zone”!