What motivates employees? find out

Posted December 2nd, 2024


a team on fire eather recruitment and labour hire


What makes your staff “tick” – have you found out if they are actually satisfied with their job? What is their  main motivator ? Want to accelerate their potential?


Recent Survey findings may surprise you!

A recent Survey conducted by the employee engagement firm TINYpulse, involved over 200,000 employees in more than 500 organizations the question was:- “What motivates you to excel and go the extra mile?”

Employees could choose from 10 answers.  Interestingly, money – often simply assumed to be the major motivator – was seventh on the list of priorities. The findings were:

– Camaraderie, peer motivation (20%)

– Intrinsic desire to a good job (17%)

– Feeling encouraged and recognized (13%)

– Having a real impact (10%)

– Growing professionally (8%)

– Meeting client/customer needs (8%)

– Money and benefits (7%)

– Positive supervisor/senior management (4%)

– Believe in the company/product (4%)

– Other (9%)


The report went on to conclude, “Business must start intentionally finding high performing along with high culture fit employees.  Further, business must be ruthless when it comes to rejecting individuals who aren’t a “right fit”.  Even if they come across as a high performer, they can wreak havoc on the positive, collaborative culture you need to create.”

here is a simple survey to hand out to your staff…

Employee Job Satisfaction—Job Passion and Self-Evaluation

We would like to ask you about the kinds of positive experiences you have in your workplace

Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
I experience personal growth such as updating skills and learning different jobs
Management looks to me for suggestions and leadership
Supervisors encourage me to be my best
I am rewarded for the quality of my efforts
I am valued by my supervisor
The company has a positive image to my friends and family.
My job makes a difference in the lives of others.
I solve customers’ problems
Overall, I am satisfied with my job.