Want your application to stand out? would you like to “personalise” your resume? Want your resume to get you to an interview? Then a simple ELEVATOR speech or an “About me” statement is a great way to differentiate your resume from the rest!
What’s your Tag line?
When did you last take a good look, and take stock at what others may see when they look at your personal brand both online and off? Give yourself a quick audit and see if there are any areas that you could do better. Start with reviewing the 8 essential points to aligning your authentic self:
Don’t be Naive … Face book is used as a screening tool by employers
YES! Face book is used by prospective employers to help them assess the character or personality of a candidate. Sorry, it’s a fact that many employers do get on there and search around for your name and make all sorts of judgements on you. These judgements will often be wrong, but we are all human and judging is what we do!
… beware of the $2K costs for a new resume…
Today I was shocked to hear from one of our clients who had been informed by another resume writing service that the cost to “re-brand” him and provide a new resume was $2K!!!