Business Development, Sales & Admin

This is a unique opportunity, full time permanent job within Port Macquarie. The role is peppered with a diverse ranges of interesting responsibilities, whilst working in a field that is making a huge difference towards the enhancement of lives…. is this you?

NEW 457 Guidelines relaxed? … JOBS for temporary overseas workers

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has reviewed skilled migration and last month it quietly released its recommendations to relax entry requirements for short-term foreign workers. The change would mean overseas workers would not have to apply for a 457 working visa, which imposes stricter entry requirements; including English language tests.

Temporary and permanent jobs

TALENT Searching is on-going Seeking talented, experienced and great candidates for either temporary or permanent jobs within various industries and roles….

Qualified Chef – immediate start

Looking for a great, caring employer and even better hours? Want to work day shifts? Sick and tired of Split shifts?

Recruitment Agencies, how to use to land a job!

We act as a “go-between” and can facilitate your progress to a shortlist. We do this by carefully assessing your skills, experience and qualifications and how these match up to the advertised position.

The Resume is your passport to a brighter future

Your resume is your passport to a new job. It’s as important as the rising of the sun. Don’t underestimate its value and DON’T take it for granted. Each time you apply for a role, your resume MUST be suitable and relevant for that position. Your skills, knowledge and experience need to marry with the job advertised or it’s a wasted effort.Our resume writing and career counselling services are superior because our clients get results! We live, work within recruitment and KNOW what employers are looking for when they read a resume or a job application – call us for a quote that will help you gain that promotion or that sought- after job!

Work that resume to get “that” job interview! Resumes Port Macquarie

So, you have what you think is “a cracker” of a resume and you’re sending this resume out to a variety of jobs and …. nothing… …no interview requests, and if you are lucky, you get a “sorry, you have been unsuccessful” reply… There is a strong message and lesson here… your resume is not working for you!

Handling Rejection

……popular strategies don’t actually work very well in the long term. Beware if you are tempted to try any of the following:

Does your JOB equal your passion?

Job = passion? Are you capable of blending both? Here are some inspirational quotes to help. Which one resonates the most to you?